My Story

My first day as a vegan was January 1, 2014. Before this day, I was a very adventurous eater and would pretty much try anything once. This is especially held true since I love to travel and eat and would venture far out of my way just to try the best local dishes in each country I visited, no matter what it was.

My initial reason for going vegan was for my health. I was in college and like many college kids, ate terrible food. I remember being home for the holidays and overindulging to the point that I just felt sick. That’s when I made the decision to try to be more conscious about what I was putting into my body. I wanted to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, and what better way to do that than to go vegan? I decided to try it out as a one month challenge. Long story short, I LOVED the way I felt on a vegan diet and quite simply did not miss eating meat.

As with many other vegans, the longer I became vegan and the more I learned about veganism, the more passionate I became about it. It wasn’t JUST about my health anymore. It was about having compassion towards animals and our environment, as well!

When I first went vegan, I was worried about how it would affect my travels. Could I still enjoy local cuisines in new countries? Is it even possible to be vegan as a traveler? The answer is YES. Although it CAN be a challenge, the plant based community is growing everyday around the world making it easier to travel as a vegan.

I decided to start Global Vegan Eats as a way to share what I learn about the vegan scene in countries around the world, connect with other plant based travelers, and hopefully inspire everyone (vegan or not) to incorporate more plant based meals into their diet.